3GPP TS 31.102 V18.1.0 (2023-06)
3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals; Characteristics of the Universal Subscriber Identity Module (USIM) application (Release 18)
The expanded Directory Files (DFs) and Elementary Files (EFs) under the Master File (MF) take into account data and evidence that could be relevant to evidence in the areas of Mobile comms and content, IoT, WLAN, Satellite, Vehicle forensics, TV and so on.
Contents of the Files 24
Contents of the EFs at the MF level 24
Contents of files at the USIM ADF (Application DF) level 25
EFLI (Language Indication) 25
EFKeys (Ciphering and Integrity Keys) 26
EFKeysPS (Ciphering and Integrity Keys for Packet Switched domain) 27
EFPLMNwAcT (User controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology) 27
EFHPPLMN (Higher Priority PLMN search period) 29
EFACMmax (ACM maximum value) 30
EFUST (USIM Service Table) 31
EFACM (Accumulated Call Meter) 35
EFGID1 (Group Identifier Level 1) 35
EFGID2 (Group Identifier Level 2) 36
EFSPN (Service Provider Name) 36
EFPUCT (Price per Unit and Currency Table) 37
EFCBMI (Cell Broadcast Message identifier selection) 38
EFACC (Access Control Class) 39
EFFPLMN (Forbidden PLMNs) 39
EFLOCI (Location Information) 40
EFAD (Administrative Data) 41
EFCBMID (Cell Broadcast Message Identifier for Data Download) 43
EFECC (Emergency Call Codes) 44
EFCBMIR (Cell Broadcast Message Identifier Range selection) 45
EFPSLOCI (Packet Switched location information) 45
EFFDN (Fixed Dialling Numbers) 47
EFSMS (Short messages) 47
EFSMSP (Short message service parameters) 49
EFSMSS (SMS status) 51
EFSDN (Service Dialling Numbers) 51
EFEXT2 (Extension2) 52
EFEXT3 (Extension3) 52
EFSMSR (Short message status reports) 53
EFICI (Incoming Call Information) 53
EFOCI (Outgoing Call Information) 57
EFICT (Incoming Call Timer) 58
EFOCT (Outgoing Call Timer) 58
EFEXT5 (Extension5) 59
EFCCP2 (Capability Configuration Parameters 2) 59
EFeMLPP (enhanced Multi Level Precedence and Pre-emption) 60
EFAaeM (Automatic Answer for eMLPP Service) 61
EFHiddenkey (Key for hidden phone book entries) 62
EFBDN (Barred Dialling Numbers) 62
EFEXT4 (Extension4) 63
EFCMI (Comparison Method Information) 63
EFEST (Enabled Services Table) 64
EFACL (Access Point Name Control List) 64
EFDCK (Depersonalisation Control Keys) 65
EFCNL (Co-operative Network List) 65
EFSTART-HFN (Initialisation values for Hyperframe number) 67
EFTHRESHOLD (Maximum value of START) 67
EFOPLMNwACT (Operator controlled PLMN selector with Access Technology) 67
EFHPLMNwAcT (HPLMN selector with Access Technology) 68
EFARR (Access Rule Reference) 69
EFNETPAR (Network Parameters) 70
EFPNN (PLMN Network Name) 72
EFOPL (Operator PLMN List) 73
EFMBDN (Mailbox Dialling Numbers) 74
EFEXT6 (Extension6) 74
EFMBI (Mailbox Identifier) 75
EFMWIS (Message Waiting Indication Status) 75
EFCFIS (Call Forwarding Indication Status) 77
EFEXT7 (Extension7) 78
EFSPDI (Service Provider Display Information) 79
EFMMSN (MMS Notification) 79
EFEXT8 (Extension 8) 81
EFMMSICP (MMS Issuer Connectivity Parameters) 82
EFMMSUP (MMS User Preferences) 84
EFMMSUCP (MMS User Connectivity Parameters) 85
EFNIA (Network's Indication of Alerting) 85
EFVGCS (Voice Group Call Service) 86
EFVGCSS (Voice Group Call Service Status) 88
EFVBS (Voice Broadcast Service) 88
EFVBSS (Voice Broadcast Service Status) 90
EFVGCSCA (Voice Group Call Service Ciphering Algorithm) 91
EFVBSCA (Voice Broadcast Service Ciphering Algorithm) 92
EFGBABP (GBA Bootstrapping parameters) 92
EFMSK (MBMS Service Keys List) 93
EFMUK (MBMS User Key) 94
EFEHPLMN (Equivalent HPLMN) 96
EFEHPLMNPI (Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication) 96
EFLRPLMNSI (Last RPLMN Selection Indication) 97
EFNAFKCA (NAF Key Centre Address) 97
EFSPNI (Service Provider Name Icon) 98
EFPNNI (PLMN Network Name Icon) 99
EFNCP-IP (Network Connectivity Parameters for USIM IP connections) 99
EFEPSLOCI (EPS location information) 102
EFEPSNSC (EPS NAS Security Context) 105
EF UFC (USAT Facility Control) 106
EFNASCONFIG (Non Access Stratum Configuration) 107
EFPWS (Public Warning System) 113
EFFDNURI (Fixed Dialling Numbers URI) 114
EFBDNURI (Barred Dialling Numbers URI) 114
EFSDNURI (Service Dialling Numbers URI) 115
EFIPS (IMEI(SV) Pairing Status) 117
EFIPD (IMEI(SV) of Pairing Device) 118
EFePDGId (Home ePDG Identifier) 119
EFePDGSelection (ePDG Selection Information) 120
EFePDGIdEm (Emergency ePDG Identifier) 122
EFePDGSelectionEm (ePDG Selection Information for Emergency Services) 122
EFFromPreferred (From Preferred) 122
EFIMSConfigData (IMS Configuration Data) 123
EFTVCONFIG (TV Configuration) 123
EF3GPPPSDATAOFFservicelist (3GPP PS Data Off Service List) 126
EFXCAPConfigData (XCAP Configuration Data) 126
EFMuDMiDConfigData (MuD and MiD Configuration Data) 128
EFOCST ("Operator controlled signal threshold per access technology") 128
DFs at the USIM ADF (Application DF) Level 130
Contents of DFs at the USIM ADF (Application DF) level 131
Contents of files at the DF SoLSA level 131
EFSAI (SoLSA Access Indicator) 131
EFSLL (SoLSA LSA List) 131
LSA Descriptor files 134
Contents of files at the DF PHONEBOOK level 135
EFPBR (Phone Book Reference file) 136
EFIAP (Index Administration Phone book) 138
EFADN (Abbreviated dialling numbers) 138
EFEXT1 (Extension1) 141
EFPBC (Phone Book Control) 143
EFGRP (Grouping file) 144
EFAAS (Additional number Alpha String) 144
EFGAS (Grouping information Alpha String) 145
EFANR (Additional Number) 145
EFSNE (Second Name Entry) 147
EFCCP1 (Capability Configuration Parameters 1) 148
Phone Book Synchronisation 148
EFUID (Unique Identifier) 148
EFPSC (Phone book Synchronisation Counter) 149
EFCC (Change Counter) 150
EFPUID (Previous Unique Identifier) 151
EFEMAIL (e-mail address) 151
Phonebook restrictions152
EFPURI (Phonebook URIs) 152
Contents of files at the DF GSM-ACCESS level (Files required for GSM Access) 153
EFKc (GSM Ciphering key Kc) 154
EFKcGPRS (GPRS Ciphering key KcGPRS) 154
EFCPBCCH (CPBCCH Information) 155
EFInvScan (Investigation Scan) 156
Contents of files at the MexE level 156
EFMexE-ST (MexE Service table) 157
EFORPK (Operator Root Public Key) 157
EFARPK (Administrator Root Public Key) 159
EFTPRPK (Third Party Root Public Key) 160
EFTKCDF (Trusted Key/Certificates Data Files) 160
Contents of files at the DF WLAN level 161
EFPseudo (Pseudonym) 161
EFUPLMNWLAN (User controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN Access) 162
EFOPLMNWLAN (Operator controlled PLMN selector for I-WLAN Access) 162
EFUWSIDL (User controlled WLAN Specific Identifier List) 163
EFOWSIDL (Operator controlled WLAN Specific IdentifierList) 164
EFWRI (WLAN Reauthentication Identity) 164
EFHWSIDL (Home I-WLAN Specific Identifier List) 165
EFWEHPLMNPI (I-WLAN Equivalent HPLMN Presentation Indication) 166
EFWHPI (I-WLAN HPLMN Priority Indication) 166
EFWLRPLMN (I-WLAN Last Registered PLMN) 167
EFHPLMNDAI (HPLMN Direct Access Indicator) 167
Contents of files at the DF HNB level 168
EFACSGL (Allowed CSG Lists) 168
EFCSGT (CSG Type) 171
EFHNBN (Home NodeB Name) 173
EFOCSGL (Operator CSG Lists) 173
EFOCSGT (Operator CSG Type) 175
EFOHNBN (Operator Home NodeB Name) 176
Contents of files at the DF ProSe level 176
EFPROSE_MON (ProSe Monitoring Parameters) 176
EFPROSE_ANN (ProSe Announcing Parameters) 177
EFPROSEFUNC (HPLMN ProSe Function) 178
EFPROSE_RADIO_COM (ProSe Direct Communication Radio Parameters) 179
EFPROSE_RADIO_MON (ProSe Direct Discovery Monitoring Radio Parameters) 181
EFPROSE_RADIO_ANN (ProSe Direct Discovery Announcing Radio Parameters) 182
EFPROSE_POLICY (ProSe Policy Parameters) 183
EFPROSE_PLMN (ProSe PLMN Parameters) 185
EFPROSE_GC (ProSe Group Counter) 186
EFPST (ProSe Service Table) 188
EFPROSE_UIRC (ProSe UsageInformationReportingConfiguration) 188
EFPROSE_GM_DISCOVERY (ProSe Group Member Discovery Parameters) 192
EFPROSE_RELAY (ProSe Relay Parameters) 193
EFPROSE_RELAY_DISCOVERY (ProSe Relay Discovery Parameters) 194
Contents of files at the DF ACDC level 197
EFACDC_OS_CONFIG (ACDC OS configuration) 198
Contents of files at the DF TV level 199
EFTVUSD (TV User Service Description) 199
Contents of files at the DF5GS level 200
EF5GS3GPPLOCI (5GS 3GPP location information) 201
EF5GSN3GPPLOCI (5GS non-3GPP location information) 202
EF5GS3GPPNSC (5GS 3GPP Access NAS Security Context) 203
EF5GSN3GPPNSC (5GS non-3GPP Access NAS Security Context) 206
EF5GAUTHKEYS (5G authentication keys) 206
EFUAC_AIC (UAC Access Identities Configuration) 208
EFSUCI_Calc_Info (Subscription Concealed Identifier Calculation Information EF) 209
EFOPL5G (5GS Operator PLMN List) 211
EFSUPI_NAI (SUPI as Network Access Identifier) 212
EFRouting_Indicator (Routing Indicator EF) 213
EFTN3GPPSNN (Trusted non-3GPP Serving network names list) 215
EFCAG (Pre-configured CAG information list EF) 216
EFSOR-CMCI (Steering Of Roaming - Connected Mode Control Information) 217
EFDRI (Disaster roaming information EF) 218
EF5GSEDRX (5GS eDRX Parameters) 219
EF5GNSWO_CONF (5G Non-Seamless WLAN Offload configuration) 220
EFMCHPPLMN (Multiplier Coefficient for Higher Priority PLMN search) 221
EFKAUSF_DERIVATION (KAUSF derivation configuration) 222
Contents of files at the DF SNPN level 222
EFPWS_SNPN (Public Warning System in SNPNs) 222
EFNID (Network Identifier for SNPN) 223
Contents of files at the DF 5G ProSe level 224
EF5G_PROSE_ST (5G ProSe Service Table) 224
EF5G_PROSE_DD (5G ProSe configuration data for direct discovery) 224
EF5G_PROSE_DC (5G ProSe configuration data for direct communication) 228
EF5G_PROSE_U2NRU (5G ProSe configuration data for UE-to-network relay UE) 230
EF5G_PROSE_RU (5G ProSe configuration data for remote UE) 234
EF5G_PROSE_UIR (5G ProSe configuration data for usage information reporting) 237
Contents of files at the DF 5MBS UE pre-configuration level 239
EF5MBSUECONFIG (5MBS UE pre-configuration) 239
EF5MBSUSD (5MBS User Service Description) 242
Contents of Efs at the TELECOM level 242
EFADN (Abbreviated dialling numbers) 243
EFEXT1 (Extension1) 243
EFECCP (Extended Capability Configuration Parameter) 243
EFSUME (SetUpMenu Elements) 243
EFARR (Access Rule Reference) 243
EFICE_DN (In Case of Emergency – Dialling Number) 243
EFICE_FF (In Case of Emergency – Free Format) 244
EFRMA (Remote Management Actions) 245
EFPSISMSC (Public Service Identity of the SM-SC) 245
Contents of DFs at the TELECOM level 245
List of DFs at the TELECOM level 245
Contents of files at the DFGRAPHICS level 246
EFIMG (Image) 246
EFIIDF (Image Instance Data Files) 247
EFICE_graphics (In Case of Emergency – Graphics) 248
Contents of files at the DFPHONEBOOK under the DFTELECOM 249
Contents of files at the DFMULTIMEDIA level 249
EFMML (Multimedia Messages List) 249
EFMMDF (Multimedia Messages Data File) 251
Contents of files at the DFMCS level 252
EFMST (MCS Service Table) 252
EFMCS_ CONFIG (MCS configuration data) 253
Contents of files at the DFV2X level 254
V2X configuration data related files 254
EFVST (V2X Service Table) 254
EFV2X_CONFIG (V2X configuration data) 255
EFV2XP_PC5 (V2X data policy over PC5) 255
EFV2XP_Uu (V2X data policy over Uu) 257
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