Sunday, June 26, 2016

Following EU Referendum: What's Happening?

This is part of what is involved following the Brexit Referendum.

Prior to the British Referendum regarding EU Membership the PM David Cameron gave orders to the Cabinet Office, Government Departments, Agencies and additional bodies to prepare for an eventuality should Britain opt-out of the EU political model. The outcome of the British vote is that eventuality has now come to fruition and now the Cabinet Office, Departments and additional bodies will be required to step up and come forward as to the plans they had prepared over the last two years to reduce or avoid uncertainty following this referendum vote.

To help understand the scale of what this entailed below is a list from the Government website of all UK Offices of State, etc., etc. Should you have a particular interest that is important to you then find the Department or body from the list below relevant to that interest and check out their website as what preparations they have made.


Departments, agencies and public bodies
1. Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street
Works with 1 public body
view all
Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street homepage
Advisory non-departmental public body

1. UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation
Ministerial departments
1. Attorney General's Office
Works with 4 agencies and public bodies
view all
Attorney General's Office homepage
Non-ministerial department
1. Crown Prosecution Service
2. Government Legal Department
3. Serious Fraud Office
4. HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate

2. Cabinet Office
Works with 19 agencies and public bodies
view all
Cabinet Office homepage
1. Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street
Ministerial department
2. Office of the Leader of the House of Commons
3. Office of the Leader of the House of Lords
Executive agency
4. Crown Commercial Service
Executive non-departmental public body
5. Big Lottery Fund
6. Civil Service Commission
Advisory non-departmental public body
7. Advisory Committee on Business Appointments
8. Boundary Commission for England
9. Boundary Commission for Wales
10. Committee on Standards in Public Life
11. House of Lords Appointments Commission
12. Independent Commission on Freedom of Information
13. Security Vetting Appeals Panel
14. Senior Salaries Review Body
15. Commissioner for Public Appointments
16. Government Estates Management
17. Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists
18. Privy Council Office
Civil Service
19. Civil Service

3. Department for Business, Innovation & Skills
Works with 47 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills homepage
Non-ministerial department
1. Competition and Markets Authority
2. Land Registry
3. Ordnance Survey
4. UK Trade & Investment
Executive agency
5. Companies House
6. The Insolvency Service
7. Intellectual Property Office
8. Met Office
9. Skills Funding Agency
10. UK Space Agency
Executive non-departmental public body
11. Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
12. Arts and Humanities Research Council
13. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
14. British Hallmarking Council
15. Competition Service
16. Construction Industry Training Board
17. Economic and Social Research Council
18. Engineering Construction Industry Training Board
19. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
20. Higher Education Funding Council for England
21. Innovate UK
22. Medical Research Council
23. Natural Environment Research Council
24. Office for Fair Access
25. Science and Technology Facilities Council
26. Student Loans Company
27. UK Atomic Energy Authority
28. UK Commission for Employment and Skills
Advisory non-departmental public body
29. Council for Science and Technology
30. Industrial Development Advisory Board
31. Insolvency Rules Committee
32. Land Registration Rule Committee
33. Low Pay Commission
34. Regulatory Policy Committee
Tribunal non-departmental public body
35. Central Arbitration Committee
36. Competition Appeal Tribunal
37. Copyright Tribunal
38. Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal
39. British Business Bank
40. Certification Officer
41. Government Office for Science
42. Groceries Code Adjudicator
43. Independent Complaints Reviewer
44. Office of Manpower Economics
45. Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies
46. UK Green Investment Bank
47. Wave Hub

4. Department for Communities and Local Government
Works with 10 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department for Communities and Local Government homepage
Executive agency
1. Planning Inspectorate
2. Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
Executive non-departmental public body
3. Ebbsfleet Development Corporation
4. Homes and Communities Agency
5. Housing Ombudsman
6. Leasehold Advisory Service
Advisory non-departmental public body
7. Building Regulations Advisory Committee
Tribunal non-departmental public body
8. Valuation Tribunal
Public corporation
9. Architects Registration Board
10. Local Government Ombudsman

5. Department for Culture, Media & Sport
Works with 42 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department for Culture, Media & Sport homepage
Non-ministerial department
1. The National Archives
Executive agency
2. Royal Parks
Executive non-departmental public body
3. Arts Council England
4. British Film Institute
5. British Library
6. British Museum
7. Gambling Commission
8. Geffrye Museum
9. Heritage Lottery Fund (administered by the NHMF)
10. Historic England
11. Horniman Public Museum and Public Park Trust
12. Horserace Betting Levy Board
13. Imperial War Museum
14. Information Commissioner's Office
15. National Gallery
16. National Heritage Memorial Fund
17. National Museums Liverpool
18. National Portrait Gallery
19. Natural History Museum
20. Royal Armouries Museum
21. Royal Museums Greenwich
22. Science Museum Group
23. Sir John Soane's Museum
24. Sport England
25. Sports Grounds Safety Authority
26. Tate
27. UK Anti-Doping
28. UK Sport
29. Victoria and Albert Museum
30. VisitBritain
31. VisitEngland
32. Wallace Collection
Advisory non-departmental public body
33. The Advisory Council on National Records and Archives
34. The Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest
35. The Theatres Trust
36. Treasure Valuation Committee
Public corporation
37. BBC
38. Channel 4
39. Historic Royal Palaces
40. English Institute of Sport
41. Ofcom
42. S4C

6. Department for Education
Works with 10 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department for Education homepage
Non-ministerial department
1. Ofqual
2. Ofsted
Executive agency
3. Education Funding Agency
4. National College for Teaching and Leadership
5. Standards and Testing Agency
Executive non-departmental public body
6. Equality and Human Rights Commission
7. Office of the Children's Commissioner
Advisory non-departmental public body
8. School Teachers' Review Body
9. Government Equalities Office
10. Office of the Schools Adjudicator

7. Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
Works with 33 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs homepage
Non-ministerial department
1. Forestry Commission
2. The Water Services Regulation Authority
Executive agency
3. Animal and Plant Health Agency
4. Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
5. Rural Payments Agency
6. Veterinary Medicines Directorate
Executive non-departmental public body
7. Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
8. Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
9. Consumer Council for Water
10. Environment Agency
11. Joint Nature Conservation Committee
12. Marine Management Organisation
13. National Forest Company
14. Natural England
15. Sea Fish Industry Authority
Advisory non-departmental public body
16. Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment
17. Independent Agricultural Appeals Panel
18. Science Advisory Council
19. Veterinary Products Committee
Tribunal non-departmental public body
20. Plant Varieties and Seeds Tribunal
21. Broads Authority
22. Covent Garden Market Authority
23. Dartmoor National Park Authority
24. Drinking Water Inspectorate
25. Exmoor National Park Authority
26. Lake District National Park Authority
27. New Forest National Park Authority
28. North York Moors National Park Authority
29. Northumberland National Park Authority
30. Peak District National Park Authority
31. South Downs National Park Authority
32. UK Co-ordinating Body
33. Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

8. Department for International Development
Works with 2 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department for International Development homepage
Executive non-departmental public body
1. Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK
Advisory non-departmental public body
2. Independent Commission for Aid Impact

9. Department for Transport
Works with 19 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department for Transport homepage
Non-ministerial department
1. Office of Rail and Road
Executive agency
2. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
3. Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency
4. Maritime and Coastguard Agency
5. Vehicle Certification Agency
Executive non-departmental public body
6. British Transport Police Authority
7. Directly Operated Railways Limited
8. High Speed Two (HS2) Limited
9. Northern Lighthouse Board
10. Transport Focus
11. Trinity House
Advisory non-departmental public body
12. Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee
Tribunal non-departmental public body
13. Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain
Public corporation
14. Civil Aviation Authority
15. London and Continental Railways Ltd
16. Air Accidents Investigation Branch
17. Highways England
18. Marine Accident Investigation Branch
19. Rail Accident Investigation Branch

10. Department for Work and Pensions
Works with 12 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department for Work and Pensions homepage
Executive non-departmental public body
1. Disabled People’s Employment Corporation
2. Health and Safety Executive
3. National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) Corporation
4. The Pensions Advisory Service
5. The Pensions Regulator
Advisory non-departmental public body
6. Industrial Injuries Advisory Council
7. Social Security Advisory Committee
Tribunal non-departmental public body
8. Pension Protection Fund Ombudsman
9. Pensions Ombudsman
Public corporation
10. Office for Nuclear Regulation
11. Pension Protection Fund
12. Independent Case Examiner

11. Department of Energy & Climate Change
Works with 8 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department of Energy & Climate Change homepage
Non-ministerial department
1. Ofgem
Executive agency
2. Oil and Gas Authority
Executive non-departmental public body
3. Civil Nuclear Police Authority
4. Coal Authority
5. Committee on Climate Change
6. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Advisory non-departmental public body
7. Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
8. Nuclear Liabilities Financing Assurance Board

12. Department of Health
Works with 28 agencies and public bodies
view all
Department of Health homepage
Executive agency
1. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
2. Public Health England
Executive non-departmental public body
3. Care Quality Commission
4. Health Education England
5. Health Research Authority
6. Health and Social Care Information Centre
7. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
8. Human Tissue Authority
9. Monitor
10. NHS Blood and Transplant
11. NHS Business Services Authority
12. NHS England
13. NHS Litigation Authority
14. NHS Trust Development Authority
15. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Advisory non-departmental public body
16. Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee
17. Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards
18. British Pharmacopoeia Commission
19. Commission on Human Medicines
20. Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
21. Independent Reconfiguration Panel
22. NHS Pay Review Body
23. Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration
24. Accelerated Access Review
25. Morecambe Bay Investigation
26. National Data Guardian
27. National Information Board
28. Porton Biopharma Limited

13. Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Works with 11 agencies and public bodies
view all
Foreign & Commonwealth Office homepage
Non-ministerial department
1. UK Trade & Investment
Executive agency
2. FCO Services
3. Wilton Park
Executive non-departmental public body
4. British Council
5. Great Britain-China Centre
6. Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission
7. Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Public corporation
8. BBC World Service
9. Chevening Scholarship Programme
10. Government Communications Headquarters
11. Secret Intelligence Service

14. HM Treasury
Works with 12 agencies and public bodies
view all
HM Treasury homepage
Non-ministerial department
1. NS&I
Executive agency
2. Government Internal Audit Agency
3. UK Debt Management Office
Executive non-departmental public body
4. Office for Budget Responsibility
Advisory non-departmental public body
5. Royal Mint Advisory Committee
6. The Crown Estate
7. Financial Conduct Authority
8. National Infrastructure Commission
9. Payment Systems Regulator
10. Royal Mint
11. UK Financial Investments Limited
12. UK Government Investments

15. Home Office
Works with 28 agencies and public bodies
view all
Home Office homepage
Executive non-departmental public body
1. Disclosure and Barring Service
2. Gangmasters Licensing Authority
3. Independent Police Complaints Commission
4. Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner
5. Security Industry Authority
Advisory non-departmental public body
6. Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
7. Animals in Science Committee
8. Migration Advisory Committee
9. National DNA Database Ethics Group
10. Police Advisory Board for England and Wales
11. Police Remuneration Review Body
12. Technical Advisory Board
Tribunal non-departmental public body
13. Investigatory Powers Tribunal
14. Office of Surveillance Commissioners
15. Police Discipline Appeals Tribunal
Independent monitoring body
16. Independent Anti-slavery Commissioner
17. Biometrics Commissioner
18. Forensic Science Regulator
19. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
20. Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration
21. Independent Family Returns Panel
22. Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
23. Intelligence Services Commissioner
24. Interception of Communications Commissioner
25. National Counter Terrorism Security Office
26. National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body
27. The Security Service
28. Surveillance Camera Commissioner

16. Ministry of Defence
Works with 30 agencies and public bodies
view all
Ministry of Defence homepage
Executive agency
1. Defence Electronics and Components Agency
2. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
3. UK Hydrographic Office
Executive non-departmental public body
4. National Army Museum
5. National Museum of the Royal Navy
6. Royal Air Force Museum
7. Single Source Regulations Office
Advisory non-departmental public body
8. Advisory Committee on Conscientious Objectors
9. Armed Forces' Pay Review Body
10. Central Advisory Committee on Compensation
11. Defence Nuclear Safety Committee
12. Defence Scientific Advisory Council
13. Independent Medical Expert Group
14. National Employer Advisory Board
15. Nuclear Research Advisory Council
16. Review Board for Government Contracts
17. Scientific Advisory Committee on the Medical Implications of Less-Lethal Weapons
18. Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees
Public corporation
19. The Oil and Pipelines Agency
20. Advisory Group on Military Medicine
21. Defence Academy of the United Kingdom
22. Defence Sixth Form College
23. Defence and Security Media Advisory Committee
24. Fleet Air Arm Museum
25. Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations
26. Royal Marines Museum
27. Royal Navy Submarine Museum
28. Service Complaints Ombudsman
29. Service Prosecuting Authority
30. United Kingdom Reserve Forces Association

17. Ministry of Justice
Works with 32 agencies and public bodies
view all
Ministry of Justice homepage
Executive agency
1. Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
2. HM Courts & Tribunals Service
3. HM Prison Service
4. Legal Aid Agency
5. National Offender Management Service
6. Office of the Public Guardian
Executive non-departmental public body
7. Cafcass
8. Criminal Cases Review Commission
9. Judicial Appointments Commission
10. Legal Services Board
11. Parole Board
12. Youth Justice Board for England and Wales
Advisory non-departmental public body
13. Advisory Committees on Justices of the Peace
14. Civil Justice Council
15. Civil Procedure Rule Committee
16. Criminal Procedure Rule Committee
17. Family Justice Council
18. Family Procedure Rule Committee
19. Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody
20. Law Commission
21. Prison Service Pay Review Body
22. Sentencing Council for England and Wales
23. Tribunal Procedure Committee
24. Academy for Justice Commissioning
25. HM Inspectorate of Prisons
26. HM Inspectorate of Probation
27. Independent Monitoring Boards of Prisons, Immigration, Removal Centres and Short Term Holding Rooms
28. Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman
29. The Legal Ombudsman
30. Official Solicitor and Public Trustee
31. Prisons and Probation Ombudsman
32. Victims' Commissioner

18. Northern Ireland Office
Works with 3 agencies and public bodies
view all
Northern Ireland Office homepage
Executive non-departmental public body
1. Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
2. Parades Commission for Northern Ireland
Advisory non-departmental public body
3. Boundary Commission for Northern Ireland

19. Office of the Advocate General for Scotland
20. Office of the Leader of the House of Commons
21. Office of the Leader of the House of Lords
22. Scotland Office
Works with 1 public body
view all
Scotland Office homepage
Advisory non-departmental public body
1. Boundary Commission for Scotland

23. UK Export Finance
Works with 1 public body
view all
UK Export Finance homepage
Advisory non-departmental public body
1. Export Guarantees Advisory Council

24. Wales Office

Non ministerial departments
1. The Charity Commission
2. Competition and Markets Authority
3. Crown Prosecution Serviceseparate website
4. Food Standards Agencyseparate website
Works with 7 agencies and public bodies
view all
Advisory non-departmental public body
1. Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs
2. Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes
3. Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food
4. Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
5. Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
6. General Advisory Committee on Science
7. Social Science Research Committee
5. Forestry Commissionseparate website
Works with 2 agencies and public bodies
view all

Executive agency
1. Forest Enterprise (England)
2. Forest Research
6. Government Actuary's Department
7. Government Legal Department
8. HM Revenue & Customs
Works with 2 agencies and public bodies
view all

Executive agency
1. Valuation Office Agency
2. The Adjudicator’s Office
9. Land Registry
10. NS&Iseparate website
11. The National Archivesseparate website
12. National Crime Agencyseparate website
13. Office of Rail and Roadseparate website
14. Ofgemseparate website
15. Ofqual
16. Ofsted
17. Ordnance Surveyseparate website
18. Serious Fraud Officeseparate website
19. Supreme Court of the United Kingdomseparate website
20. UK Statistics Authorityseparate website
Works with 1 public body
view all
1. Office for National Statistics
21. UK Trade & Investment
22. The Water Services Regulation Authority separate website
Agencies and other public bodies
1. Academy for Justice Commissioning
2. Accelerated Access Review
3. The Adjudicator’s Officeseparate website
4. Administration of Radioactive Substances Advisory Committee
5. Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffsseparate website
6. Advisory Committee on Business Appointments
7. Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards
8. Advisory Committee on Conscientious Objectors
9. Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processesseparate website
10. Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment
11. Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Foodseparate website
12. Advisory Committees on Justices of the Peaceseparate website
13. The Advisory Council on National Records and Archivesseparate website
14. Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
15. Advisory Group on Military Medicine
16. Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Serviceseparate website
17. Agriculture and Horticulture Development Boardseparate website
18. Air Accidents Investigation Branch
19. Animal and Plant Health Agency
20. Animals in Science Committee
21. Armed Forces' Pay Review Body
22. Arts Council Englandseparate website
23. Arts Council of Walesseparate website
24. Arts and Humanities Research Councilseparate website
25. Bank of Englandseparate website
26. Big Lottery Fundseparate website
27. Biometrics Commissioner
28. Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Councilseparate website
29. Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kewseparate website
30. Boundary Commission for Englandseparate website
31. Boundary Commission for Northern Irelandseparate website
32. Boundary Commission for Scotlandseparate website
33. Boundary Commission for Walesseparate website
34. British Business Bankseparate website
35. British Councilseparate website
36. British Film Instituteseparate website
37. British Hallmarking Council
38. British Libraryseparate website
39. British Museumseparate website
40. British Pharmacopoeia Commissionseparate website
41. British Transport Police Authorityseparate website
42. Broads Authorityseparate website
43. Building Regulations Advisory Committee
44. Cafcassseparate website
45. Care Quality Commissionseparate website
46. Careers Walesseparate website
47. Central Advisory Committee on Compensation
48. Central Arbitration Committee
49. Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
50. Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructureseparate website
51. Certification Officer
52. Chevening Scholarship Programme separate website
53. Civil Justice Councilseparate website
54. Civil Nuclear Police Authority
55. Civil Procedure Rule Committee
56. Civil Service Commissionseparate website
57. Coal Authority
58. Commission on Human Medicines
59. Commissioner for Public Appointmentsseparate website
60. Committee on Climate Changeseparate website
61. Committee on Fuel Poverty
62. Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
63. Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
64. Committee on Standards in Public Life
65. Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environmentseparate website
66. Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK
67. Companies House
68. Company Names Tribunal
69. Competition Appeal Tribunalseparate website
70. Competition Serviceseparate website
71. Construction Industry Training Boardseparate website
72. Consumer Council for Waterseparate website
73. Copyright Tribunal
74. Council for Science and Technology
75. Covent Garden Market Authorityseparate website
76. Criminal Cases Review Commissionseparate website
77. Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
78. Criminal Procedure Rule Committee
79. Crown Commercial Service
80. The Crown Estateseparate website
81. Dartmoor National Park Authorityseparate website
82. Defence Academy of the United Kingdomseparate website
83. Defence Electronics and Components Agency
84. Defence Nuclear Safety Committee
85. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
86. Defence Scientific Advisory Council
87. Defence Sixth Form Collegeseparate website
88. Defence and Security Media Advisory Committeeseparate website
89. Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)moving to GOV.UK
90. Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland)moving to GOV.UK
91. Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)moving to GOV.UK
92. Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland)moving to GOV.UK
93. Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure Northern Irelandseparate website
94. Department of Education (Northern Ireland)moving to GOV.UK
95. Department of Finance (Northern Ireland)moving to GOV.UK
96. Department of Health (Northern Ireland)moving to GOV.UK
97. Department of Justice (Northern Ireland)moving to GOV.UK
98. Directly Operated Railways Limitedseparate website
99. Disabled People’s Employment Corporationseparate website
100. Disabled Persons Transport Advisory Committee
101. Disclosure and Barring Service
102. Drinking Water Inspectorateseparate website
103. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
104. Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency
105. Ebbsfleet Development Corporationmoving to GOV.UK
106. Economic and Social Research Councilseparate website
107. Education Funding Agency
108. Engineering Construction Industry Training Boardseparate website
109. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Councilseparate website
110. English Institute of Sportseparate website
111. Environment Agency
112. Equality and Human Rights Commissionseparate website
113. Estynseparate website
114. The Executive Office (Northern Ireland)moving to GOV.UK
115. Exmoor National Park Authorityseparate website
116. Export Guarantees Advisory Council
117. FCO Servicesseparate website
118. Family Justice Councilseparate website
119. Family Procedure Rule Committee
120. Financial Conduct Authorityseparate website
121. Fire Service Collegeseparate website
122. Fleet Air Arm Museum separate website
123. Forensic Science Regulator
124. Forest Enterprise (England) separate website
125. Forest Researchseparate website
126. Gambling Commissionseparate website
127. Gangmasters Licensing Authorityseparate website
128. Geffrye Museumseparate website
129. General Advisory Committee on Scienceseparate website
130. Government Communications Headquartersseparate website
Works with 1 public body
view all

1. Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure
131. Government Equalities Office
132. Government Estates Management
133. Government Internal Audit Agency
134. Government Office for Science
135. Great Britain-China Centreseparate website
136. Groceries Code Adjudicator
137. HM Courts & Tribunals Service
138. HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorateseparate website
139. HM Inspectorate of Constabularyseparate website
140. HM Inspectorate of Prisonsseparate website
141. HM Inspectorate of Probationseparate website
142. HM Prison Service
143. Health Education Englandseparate website
144. Health Research Authorityseparate website
145. Health and Safety Executiveseparate website
146. Health and Social Care Information Centre
147. Heritage Lottery Fund (administered by the NHMF)separate website
148. High Speed Two (HS2) Limited
149. Higher Education Funding Council for Englandseparate website
150. Highways England
151. Historic Englandseparate website
152. Homes and Communities Agency
153. Horniman Public Museum and Public Park Trustseparate website
154. Horserace Betting Levy Boardseparate website
155. House of Lords Appointments Commissionseparate website
156. Housing Ombudsmanseparate website
157. Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authorityseparate website
158. Human Tissue Authorityseparate website
159. Imperial War Museumseparate website
160. Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custodyseparate website
161. Independent Agricultural Appeals Panel
162. Independent Anti-slavery Commissioner
163. Independent Case Examiner
164. Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration separate website
165. Independent Commission for Aid Impactseparate website
166. Independent Commission on Freedom of Information
167. Independent Complaints Reviewerseparate website
168. Independent Dormant Assets Commission
169. Independent Family Returns Panel
170. Independent Medical Expert Group
171. Independent Monitoring Boards of Prisons, Immigration, Removal Centres and Short Term Holding Roomsseparate website
172. Independent Police Complaints Commissionseparate website
173. Independent Reconfiguration Panel
174. Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislationseparate website
175. Industrial Development Advisory Board
176. Industrial Injuries Advisory Council
177. Information Commissioner's Officeseparate website
178. Innovate UK
179. Insolvency Practitioners Tribunal
180. Insolvency Rules Committee
181. The Insolvency Service
182. Intellectual Property Office
Works with 1 public body
view all

1. Company Names Tribunal
183. Intelligence Services Commissionerseparate website
184. Interception of Communications Commissionerseparate website
185. Investigatory Powers Tribunalseparate website
186. Joint Nature Conservation Committeeseparate website
187. Judicial Appointments Commissionseparate website
188. Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman
189. Lake District National Park Authorityseparate website
190. Lammy Review
191. Land Registration Rule Committee
192. Law Commissionseparate website
193. Leasehold Advisory Serviceseparate website
194. Legal Aid Agency
195. The Legal Ombudsmanseparate website
196. Legal Services Boardseparate website
197. Local Government Ombudsmanseparate website
198. Low Pay Commission
199. Macur Review
200. Marine Accident Investigation Branch
201. Marine Management Organisation
202. Maritime and Coastguard Agency
203. Marshall Aid Commemoration Commissionseparate website
204. Medical Research Councilseparate website
205. Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
206. Met Officeseparate website
207. Migration Advisory Committee
208. Monitor
209. Morecambe Bay Investigation
210. NHS Blood and Transplantseparate website
211. NHS Business Services Authorityseparate website
212. NHS Englandseparate website
213. NHS Litigation Authorityseparate website
214. NHS Pay Review Body
215. NHS Trust Development Authorityseparate website
216. NHS Wales Informatics Serviceseparate website
217. National Army Museumseparate website
218. National College for Teaching and Leadership
219. National Counter Terrorism Security Office
220. National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body
221. National DNA Database Ethics Group
222. National Data Guardian
223. National Employer Advisory Board
224. National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) Corporationseparate website
225. National Forest Companyseparate website
226. National Galleryseparate website
227. National Heritage Memorial Fundseparate website
228. National Information Board
229. National Infrastructure Commission
230. National Institute for Health and Care Excellenceseparate website
231. National Museum of the Royal Navyseparate website
232. National Museums Liverpoolseparate website
233. National Offender Management Service
Works with 1 public body
view all

1. National Probation Service
234. National Portrait Galleryseparate website
235. National Probation Service
236. Natural England
237. Natural Environment Research Councilseparate website
238. Natural History Museumseparate website
239. Natural Resources Walesseparate website
240. New Forest National Park Authorityseparate website
241. North York Moors National Park Authorityseparate website
242. Northern Ireland Human Rights Commissionseparate website
243. Northern Ireland Policing Boardseparate website
244. Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency
245. Northern Lighthouse Boardseparate website
246. Northumberland National Park Authorityseparate website
247. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Works with 1 public body
view all

1. Radioactive Waste Management
248. Nuclear Liabilities Financing Assurance Board
249. Nuclear Research Advisory Council
250. Ofcomseparate website
251. Office for Budget Responsibilityseparate website
252. Office for Fair Accessseparate website
253. Office for National Statisticsseparate website
254. Office of Manpower Economics
255. Office of Surveillance Commissionersseparate website
256. Office of the Children's Commissionerseparate website
257. Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner
258. Office of the Public Guardian
259. Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyistsseparate website
260. Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies
261. Office of the Schools Adjudicator
262. Official Solicitor and Public Trustee
263. Oil and Gas Authority
264. Parades Commission for Northern Irelandseparate website
265. The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman separate website
266. Parole Board
267. Payment Systems Regulatorseparate website
268. Peak District National Park Authorityseparate website
269. Pension Protection Fund Ombudsmanseparate website
270. The Pensions Advisory Serviceseparate website
271. Pensions Ombudsmanseparate website
272. The Pensions Regulatorseparate website
273. Planning Inspectorate
274. Plant Varieties and Seeds Tribunal
275. Police Advisory Board for England and Wales
276. Police Discipline Appeals Tribunal
277. Police Remuneration Review Body
278. Porton Biopharma Limitedseparate website
279. Prison Service Pay Review Body
280. Prisons and Probation Ombudsmanseparate website
281. Privy Council Officeseparate website
282. Probation Board for Northern Irelandseparate website
283. Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Careseparate website
284. Public Health England
285. Public Health Walesseparate website
286. Public Prosecution Service for Northern Irelandseparate website
287. Pubs Code Adjudicator
288. Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centreseparate website
289. Radioactive Waste Management
290. Rail Accident Investigation Branch
291. Regulatory Policy Committee
292. Reserve Forces' and Cadets' Associations
293. Review Board for Government Contracts
294. Review Body on Doctors' and Dentists' Remuneration
295. The Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interestseparate website
296. Royal Air Force Museumseparate website
297. Royal Armouries Museumseparate website
298. Royal Marines Museumseparate website
299. Royal Mintseparate website
300. Royal Mint Advisory Committee
301. Royal Museums Greenwichseparate website
302. Royal Navy Submarine Museumseparate website
303. Royal Parksseparate website
304. Rural Payments Agency
305. S4Cseparate website
306. School Teachers' Review Body
307. Science Advisory Council
308. Science Museum Groupseparate website
309. Science and Technology Facilities Councilseparate website
310. Scientific Advisory Committee on the Medical Implications of Less-Lethal Weapons
311. Sea Fish Industry Authorityseparate website
312. Secret Intelligence Serviceseparate website
313. Security Industry Authorityseparate website
314. The Security Serviceseparate website
Works with 1 public body
view all

1. Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure
315. Security Vetting Appeals Panel
316. Senior Salaries Review Body
317. Sentencing Council for England and Walesseparate website
318. Service Complaints Ombudsman separate website
319. Service Prosecuting Authorityseparate website
320. Single Source Regulations Office
321. Sir John Soane's Museumseparate website
322. Skills Funding Agency
323. Social Mobility Commission
324. Social Science Research Committeeseparate website
325. Social Security Advisory Committee
326. South Downs National Park Authorityseparate website
327. Sport Englandseparate website
328. Sports Council for Walesseparate website
329. Sports Grounds Safety Authorityseparate website
330. Stabilisation Unit
331. Standards and Testing Agency
332. Student Loans Companyseparate website
333. Surveillance Camera Commissioner
334. Tateseparate website
335. Technical Advisory Board
336. The Theatres Trustseparate website
337. Traffic Commissioners for Great Britain
338. Transport Focusseparate website
339. Treasure Valuation Committeeseparate website
340. Tribunal Procedure Committee
341. Trinity Houseseparate website
342. UK Anti-Dopingseparate website
343. UK Atomic Energy Authority
344. UK Co-ordinating Body
345. UK Commission for Employment and Skills
346. UK Debt Management Office
347. UK Financial Investments Limited
348. UK Government Investments
Works with 1 public body
view all

1. UK Financial Investments Limited
349. UK Green Investment Bankseparate website
350. UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation
351. UK Hydrographic Office
352. UK Space Agency
353. UK Sportseparate website
354. United Kingdom Reserve Forces Association
355. Valuation Office Agency
356. Valuation Tribunalseparate website
357. Vehicle Certification Agencyseparate website
358. Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees
359. Veterinary Medicines Directorate
360. Veterinary Products Committee
361. Victims' Commissionerseparate website
362. Victoria and Albert Museumseparate website
363. VisitBritainseparate website
364. VisitEnglandseparate website
365. Wales Audit Officeseparate website
366. Wallace Collectionseparate website
367. Wave Hubseparate website
368. Welsh Language Commissionerseparate website
369. Westminster Foundation for Democracyseparate website
370. Wilton Parkseparate website
371. Yorkshire Dales National Park Authorityseparate website
372. Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

High profile groups
1. Bona Vacantia
2. Border Force
3. British Cattle Movement Service
4. Broadmoor Hospital investigation
5. CESGseparate website
6. Centre for Defence Enterprise
7. Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser
8. Civil Nuclear Constabulary
9. Civil Service Fast Stream
10. Civil Service Fast Track Apprenticeship
11. Civil Service Reform
12. Civil Service Resourcing
13. Counter Fraud and Security Management Service
14. Defence Equipment and Support
15. Defence Infrastructure Organisation
16. Defence Safety Authority
17. Digital, data and technology professions
18. District Valuer Services (DVS)
19. Efficiency and Reform Group
20. Export Control Organisation
21. Financial Services Organisation
22. Financial Services Trade and Investment Board
23. Government Chemist
24. Government Commercial Function
25. Government Communication Service
26. Government Corporate Finance Profession
27. Government Digital Service
28. Government Economic Service
29. Government Finance Profession
30. Government IT Profession
31. Government Knowledge & Information Management Profession
32. Government Legal Service
33. Government Occupational Psychology Profession
34. Government Operational Research Service
35. Government Planning Inspectors
36. Government Planning Profession
37. Government Property Profession
38. Government Science & Engineering Profession
39. Government Security Profession
40. Government Social Research Profession
41. Government Statistical Service
42. Government Tax Profession
43. Government Veterinary Surgeons
44. HM Nautical Almanac Office
45. HM Passport Office
46. Healthcare UK
47. Human Resources Profession
48. Immigration Enforcement
49. Infrastructure and Projects Authority
50. Intelligence Analysis
51. Internal Audit Profession
52. Joint Forces Command
53. Medical Profession
54. Military Aviation Authority
55. National security and intelligence
56. Office for Disability Issues
57. Office for Life Sciences
58. Office for Low Emission Vehicles
59. Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation
60. Office of Tax Simplification
61. Office of the Parliamentary Counsel
62. Open Public Services
63. Operational Delivery Profession
64. Policy Profession
65. Procurement profession
66. Project Delivery Profession
67. Queen's Harbour Master
68. Regeneration Investment Organisation
69. Regulatory Delivery
70. Rural Development Programme for England Network
71. Schools Commissioners Group
72. UK Trade & Investment Defence & Security Organisation
73. UK Visas and Immigration
74. UKTI Education
75. UKTI Life Sciences Organisation
76. Veterans UK

Public corporations
1. Architects Registration Boardseparate website
2. BBCseparate website
3. BBC World Serviceseparate website
4. Channel 4separate website
5. Civil Aviation Authorityseparate website
6. Historic Royal Palacesseparate website
7. London and Continental Railways Ltdseparate website
8. Office for Nuclear Regulationseparate website
9. The Oil and Pipelines Agency
10. Pension Protection Fundseparate website

Devolved administrations
1. Northern Ireland Executive separate website
Works with 1 public body
view all

1. UK Co-ordinating Body
2. The Scottish Governmentseparate website
Works with 2 agencies and public bodies
view all

Executive agency
1. Animal and Plant Health Agency

2. UK Co-ordinating Body
3. Welsh Governmentseparate website
Works with 5 agencies and public bodies
view all

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