Sunday, March 22, 2015

ITU 150th Anniversary (1865-2015)

The 150 ITU 1865 2015 logo is copyright to the International Telecommunications Union
and reproduced with kind permission

This May 2015 the International Telecommunications Union reaches its 150 Anniversary, .

So what has happened in the world between 1865-2015? I thought I would highlight some events that usually go under the radar:

- football clubs established at that time :
- some cyclists have been pedalling for a really long time :
- as well as a bygone era in railway :
- Nokia started out as a wood pulp mill :

For more well known events just search the world wide web (www).

The ITU plays an important global role producing technical reports, recommendations and guidance on telecommunications, cellular and satellite, to name just a few technology sectors. That influence should never be underestimated. Indeed, the work of the ITU impacts on mobile forensics and cybercrime too. I have recorded a few trewmte blogs as examples.

International Telecommunications Union and CSA

CSA - Site Survey Method 2

CSA - Site Survey Method 2/ITU

Cybercrime: procedures, deterrent and investigation

It seems to me fitting that since I have gained so much knowledge and understanding from the work of the ITU that to pay tribute to them is to invite readers to visit their website celebrating the 150 anniversary of this phenomenal and great institution known as the International Telecommunications Union:

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