Saturday, July 19, 2014

International Telecommunications Union and CSA

International Telecommunications Union and CSA

Were the standards to be made binding that could have political implications / ramifications regarding national sovereignty etc. However, a standard adopted by the ITU are called "recommendations". The recommendations carry a voluntary adoption by members states. The recommendations can though become directly or indirectly binding if it is incorporated into member states legislation where the legislation refers to a particular ITU recommendation. That would have a direct binding agreement. An indirect binding agreement could be where European legislation does not mention ITU recommendation per se but refers to CEPT or ETSI standards that become recorded that are in-turn derived from ITU recommendations. Were there to be an inextricable link requiring identical wording for CEPT/ESTI standard/ITU recommendation then that may amount to an indirect binding agreement with or to the ITU recommendation.

CSA - Site Survey Method 2/ITU -

As this discussion relates to CSA and identified recommendations listed here ( ) the detail below highlights the radio subject matter from the division ITU-R.

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