Sunday, August 11, 2013

Windows Phone Online App Builder

It is not easy to encourage people to start programming, largely because it presents itself  as a daunting task to learning a new set of rules relevant to a particular vocabulary, syntax, etc in order that an app or utility can work with a particular existing program or operating system. The problem also exists knowing where to get started without being overwhelmed with the cost of buying programming tools, maybe upgrading the computer on which the app will be produced and then have the skillset and techniques to know how to design the app itself.

Getting started can be much easier than might be thought at first instance. Microsoft Windows Phone App Store website ( ) has made available online a simple way to create an app online which will allow the user to work with different templates and then te site automates the production of source code that can be updated should improvements to the app design/layout/content become necessary. The app can be loaded to a particular windows phone for trial testing.

 Image courtesy of Microsoft Windows App Store

Well done Microsoft, this is a great idea. Whilst other mobile OS app builders have their own solutions, this online solution is unique for Windows Phone. Have a go and see for yourself.

I do forecast that the whole programming environment will under-go a further revolution whereby the tools for programming and emulator testing will all be free in the future to encourage app building and commissioning. Back in 2007 I wrote a prediction regarding handset owners should be allowed to profile their own mobiles "Alternatively, the likes of Nokia, Motorola, SonyEricsson, Samsung etc could create mobile 'phones with the appropriate GSM/GPRS/WCDMA/WiFi wireless operating systems on them and allow the general public to profile their handsets with the application features (download) they not only like, but actually want."

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