Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mobile Forensics Diplomas

Following on from the article Forensic Erosion ( ) the MTEB Diplomas fill the gap between a time limited (expiration) certificate and a Degree course. You may not have seen it but I did produce six MTEB Diploma options and posted it here - . Moreover, it could help Universities focus their approach to producing Mobile Forensics Degrees with applicants holding a Diploma using it for credits towards the Degree.

The excellent feature of a possessing a Diploma is that it continues to have a value as representation of a person's knowledge, skills and experience similar to a BSc/MSc/PhD. Certificates (e.g. product training certificates) are useful but unless you purchase training year in year out for that same product, which the product can undergo regular changes, waving a five or ten year old certificate may be considered as to its relevance to the evidence or work of a person has been involved.

When a Diploma is undertaken it enables the student to demonstrate current knowledge, skills and experience whilst defining future objectives such as processes and procedures desired to be achieved or occurring in the current marketplace.

A Diploma does not require the student to develop a "new" or "unique" design, process or proposition previously undiscovered (unlike BSc, MSc or PhD trial and error) but demonstration of the student's existing knowledge and how to deploy those skillsets and experience with what works and only express where the subject sees marketplace events or targets to be achieved.

Diplomas are considerably less expensive than BSc, MSc and PhD as they are of a shorter study/submission period, thus present current knowledge, skills and experience to be known sooner and recognised (put to work) in current markets, without limitation of an expiration date associated with a product Certificate at one end of the scale or outdated by the time final semester (BSc/MSc/PhD) is achieved at the other end of the scale.

A Diploma module e.g. * Diploma for ME and UE Technology Examination - Mobile Telephone Diploma Core CMSU3 - enables a candidate to consider mobile/smart phone examination as a specific subject or consider the ME/UE in connection with/to:

* Foundation/Research Skills and/or
* QA and Evidence Handling and/or
* association with SIM and USIM Technology Examination and/or
* Call Records and Network Records Analysis and/or
* Cell Site Analysis

Thus permutation options for submission of a Diploma report may include the expression of ME and UE Technology Examination in isolation or include one or more of the above subjects.

The latest MTEB Diploma Modules Guide is MTEdipl 2.2 ( )

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