Saturday, April 06, 2013

UICC Coding Schemes

Define Coding FileAccessibility

0 = "Not shareable file"
1 = "Shareable file"

Define Coding UICCFileType

0 = "Working EF"
1 = "Internal EF"
2 = "RFU"
3 = "RFU"
4 = "RFU"
5 = "RFU"
6 = "RFU"
7 = "DF or ADF"

Define Coding UICCEFStructure

0 = "No information given"
1 = "Transparent"
2 = "Linear fixed"
3 = "RFU"
4 = "RFU"
5 = "RFU"
6 = "Cyclic"
7 = "RFU"

Define Coding UICCClockStop

0 = "Never allowed"
1 = "Allowed, no preferred level"
4 = "Not allowed unless at high level"
5 = "Allowed, high level preferred"
8 = "Not allowed unless at low level"
9 = "Allowed, low level preferred"

Define Coding UICCLifeCycle

0 = "No information given"
1 = "Creation state"
3 = "Initialization state"
4 = "Operational state - deactivated"
5 = "Operational state - activated"
6 = "Operational state - deactivated"
7 = "Operational state - activated"
C = "Termination state"
D = "Termination state"
E = "Termination state"
F = "Termination state"

Define Coding Available

0 = "not available"
1 = "available"

Define Coding PhoneBookLink

0 = "Global Phone Book (EF_TELECOM)"
1 = "Local Phone Book (USIM specific)"

Define Coding MMSStatus

0 = "Free Space"
1 = "Used Space; Notification not read; MM not retrieved"
5 = "Used Space; Notification not read; MM retrieved"
9 = "Used Space; Notification not read; MM rejected"
D = "Used Space; Notification not read; MM forwarded"
3 = "Used Space; Notification read; MM not retrieved"
7 = "Used Space; Notification read; MM retrieved"
B = "Used Space; Notification read; MM rejected"
F = "Used Space; Notification read; MM forwarded"

Define Coding Implementation

0 = "Implementation not supported"
1 = "Implementation supported"

Define Coding TP-Status

00 = "Short message received by the SME"
01 = "Short message forwarded by the SC to the SME but the SC is unable to confirm delivery"
02 = "Short message replaced by the SC"
20 = "Congestion"
21 = "SME busy"
22 = "No response from SME"
23 = "Service rejected"
24 = "Quality of service not available"
25 = "Error in SME"
40 = "Remote procedure error"
41 = "Incompatible destination"
42 = "Connection rejected by SME"
43 = "Not obtainable"
44 = "Quality of service not available"
45 = "No interworking available"
46 = "SM Validity Period Expired"
47 = "SM Deleted by originating SME"
48 = "SM Deleted by SC Administration"
49 = "SM does not exist"
60 = "Congestion"
61 = "SME busy"
62 = "No response from SME"
63 = "Service rejected"
64 = "Quality of service not available"
65 = "Error in SME"

Define Coding SelectModeP1

00 = "Select by File ID"
01 = "Select by child DF of the current DF"
03 = "Select parent DF of the current DF"
04 = "Selection by DF name (AID)"
08 = "Select by path from MF"
09 = "Select by path from current DF"

Define Coding SearchRecordMode

00 = "RFU"
01 = "RFU"
02 = "RFU"
03 = "RFU"
04 = "Start forward search from record indicated in P1"
05 = "Start backward search from record indicated in P1"
06 = "Enhanced search"
07 = "Proprietary search"

Define Coding EPSUpdateStatus

0 = "Updated"
1 = "Not updated"
2 = "Roaming not allowed"

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