Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Smart Device Usage

The latest report from Flurry reported through Venturebeat, a website that reports China technology usage, confirms China has out smart device usage that of the US. Moreover because the US only has 310-million population and China has 1.3-bilion population it is unlikely, Flurry believes, the US will ever rise to the top usage spot again because of population sizes. Well maybe so, but population size isn't all it is about, but requires regulation, liberalisation, free markets and economic indicators etc, too. What is interesting is that Flurry also envisage the only possible competitor to matching China's growth in smart device usage could probably come from India, which the report states has a 1.2-billion population.

A short note in the report identified other countries having growth in smart device usage. "Countries that grew faster than China in the past year were Columbia, Vietnam, Turkey, Ukraine and Egypt."

See report here: China becomes the world’s largest smartphone market - http://venturebeat.com/2013/02/18/china-becomes-the-worlds-largest-smartphone-market/

Further reading on possible outcomes for Chinese OSs - Originals and Copies. Britain and Smartphone Manufacturing http://trewmte.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/originals-and-copies-britain-and.html

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