Sunday, February 10, 2013

EMV and ePayments

As some of you may know I have over the last several years been extending the range of my skillsets, beyond previous skills of mobile devices/PCs/laptop/MACs, to include EMV and the known CVV (Card Verification Value) code that is stored in the card’s magnetic stripe and iCVV (Integrated Chip Card Card Verification Value) code that is stored in the card’s chip. This work into includes the range of payments systems that are already or will be introduced to smart phone payment systems.

The transactional data contained in the 'exchange messages' are of paramount importance to post-fraud investigations; in the absence of an actual physical instrument involved in the originating activity associated with a transaction. Having the ability to examine copies of the original transactional data contained in electronic files requires a tool designed to output the field data into the known field structures/parameters as set out by iso8583. ParseIT is one of those free tools that provides a useful starting point to output the data to assist an investigation.

- ParseIT is a parser tool to analyze transactional messages from raw data and logs.
- ParseIT provides a simple and effective way to fast detect, parse and compare messages.
- The intuitive interface provides quick access to the fields of the message, their value, their description and their validation.

Because its free and doesn't require a commercial, then it is worth including in the investigators' soft toolkit.

Download -

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