Monday, January 21, 2013

Smartphone BYOD

Smartphone BYOD

The article about Application Performance Management highlights five factors to influence APM in 2013. Approaching APM not from the service angle (end-to-end interoperability) but what the user gains from it is an uncertainty with BYOD (e.g. mobile tablet etc), as stated by the article. BYOD is not simply about browsing habit to prove an issue or trend but whether such devices are used (a) as company property? (b) what work material is available? (c) is that on-site access or off-site access? (d) are external private access points accessible? (e) are there, regarding (d), obligations to reveal? .....and so on

During the heady parts of the recession, and even now, many companies operational costs and write down (depreciation) on operational assets (phones, computers etc) have been slimlined and moved some obligations on to staff to use their own smartphones and tablets, thus the company also realises reductions in capital expenditure by avoiding mobile services contracts, too.

Strange that so much effort and money has been spent and is being spent on cybercrime detection and prevention and yet the more likely statistic as to where an ICT attack would occur seems not to be determined from yet another market survey but plain, good old-fashioned common sense. If employees bring their own devices to work employers cannot legislate as to what happens whilst at work. If employers don't pay for communications devices/services because they want to turn an operating profit or 'twinkle' before their shareholders then it is not difficult to comprehend, from a security point of view, that smartphones are potential carries of 'digital infection' that are deliberately being allowed to propagate with BYOD. National societies have watched over the last two decades at the decay in common-sense and seen the removal of barriers that locked pandora's box shut. Why have the barriers been taken away? For the sake of emotional gratification of earning a short-term profit, globalisation and commercialisation that required reduction and removal of local barriers originally put in place by mandatory regulation.  

The task for digital investigators is to now re-engage with digital access policies in companies and discover the implemented and evolving communications route plan.

Additional research

zdnet -

Forbes -

 Network World -

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