Thursday, November 22, 2012

EU Cybercrime (aka real name ICT ecrime)

EU Cybercrime (aka real name ICT ecrime)

Setting up the the criminal legal framework:

Judicial cooperation in criminal matters: combating attacks against information systems

3.30.06 Information and communication technologies
3.30.25 International information networks and society, internet
7.40.04 Judicial cooperation in criminal matters

Having a common European ICT eCrime Judicial protocol must equally rely on a common European Prosecution able to deal with ICT eCrime to assets:

The establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) is envisaged in Article 86 TFEU. The EPPO would be responsible for investigating, prosecuting and bringing to justice those who damage assets managed by or on behalf of the EU.  The European Council may adopt a decision extending the powers of the EPPO to include serious crime having a cross-border dimension.

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