Friday, June 22, 2012

iPhone changing to 19-pin port?

iPhone changing to 19-pin port?

Screen Shot 2012-06-20 at 5.13.55 PM
Image courtesy of Tech Crunch

This could be an interesting twist in the marketplace relating to Apple's campaign to continue separating iPhone innovation from other handsets in the marketplace, not only through the use of distinctive design, but distinctive access to the phone. According to Tech Crunch  (the popular online tech gadget news website) they have verified that iPhone is to have changes made to the pin port swapping out the 30-pin port for a 19-pin port -

Some handset manufacturers have taken the route adopting the miniUSB. See USB research reference materials (below), but other handset manufacturers still retain specialists plugs in order to gain access.

Tech Crunch's news suggests Apple are not yet ready to take the USB route. I am more intrigued though whether there is any connection between the 19-pin port intro and Apple's adoption of the 4FF-uicc size which they have been successful in gaining agreement and approval for inclusion into the ETSI standard?

4FF-uicc research reference material

The implications could be wider for the handset examination market as new standards, and tools ranging from plugs to STKs to newer software upgardes, should be expected from such a development.

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