Saturday, May 05, 2012

Delete GPS Movements

Delete GPS Movements

I noticed an interesting app that promotes enhancing GPS location positioning using A-GPS where the app tweaks the accuracy of the results. Invariably, apps like these are generated to help users improve finding their whereabouts or where they have been. An app I am aware is GPS Status and Toolbox ( developed for Android and using the output positioning data for importing into Google Maps.

I noted in the install guide the app will delete cached GPS data:

Step 4
"Start the GPS Status and Toolbox app. Press the menu key to go to the tools menu and choose 'Manage A-GPS state' from the popped up menu."

Step 5

"After choosing 'Manage A-GPS', press the reset key to wipe out all the A-GPS data your phone must have collected. Switch off the smartphone and wait for the device to automatically gain data connectivity."

Should the app user do no more after Step 5 then the cached GPS data is lost. Clearly, there could be an evidential discovery issue here. Metadata already embedded in existing photos are unlikely to be affected.

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