Saturday, April 14, 2012

Examination Techniques7: Bluetooth Headset

Examination Techniques7: Bluetooth Headset
Examiners may find it useful to be reminded to obtain a copy the bluetooth headset (DUT) user guide prior to examination.  There are numerous reasons and some of these observations may prove fruitable.

1. A common headset feature that can be enabled for a particular headset is pairing with a primary device and a secondary device. This can mean a particular headset working with two mobile phones (at the same time???), or other devices such as laptops, PCs and PDAs.

2. As the identity of a headset is broadcast and then maybe associated to a target handset and/or another device (and not normally the other way around) understanding the identities in the bluetooth broadcast, is relevant, as is the bluetooth standard used by the headset can be equally as important.

3. Powering on a headset (DUT) can also reveal on certain makes/models the remaining battery level. Some headsets e.g. HM1200 require the examiner to press and HOLD the talk button and the volume button at the time forcing the headset to respond using a sequence of LED 5 flashes in a particular colour to identify the level (as a percentage) of charge remaining in the battery.

The above points are so often over looked in evidence, but can produce important facts or inferences about evidence that maybe relevant to a case.

An additional point, not connected with the user guide. If an examiner intends to perform a chip-off examination then a word of caution. The lettering/digits printed for chip identitification on some of the memory chips are so small an examiner may need a microscope (e.g. with software in order to display image results on a computer screen ).

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