Monday, October 24, 2011

Shake your profile

Shake your profile

Some may have seen the adverts on television where the film director on set shouts "action" and then, suddenly his phone starts to ring. He flips the phone onto its screen-face and the phone stops ringing. Motion sensors since 2009 have becoming one of the features on smart phones and devices, and a new release from Micromax Mobile X395 is another example where motion sensors (once switched ON) are included as a feature of this dual-SIM phone, but in this case allows the user to switch between one of the SIMs installed in this dual-SIM handset.


Media GIF Photo Courtesy of Micromax Mobile X395 (c)

Examiners should be aware that this java (according to its spec) smart phone requires manual examination to determine other user-defined SIM settings and Motion Sensor settings, apart from SIM1/SIM2 profiles -

Menu>SIM Manager:
- Dual SIM Settings- Set the dual settings as per your requirement
- Default SIM Selection- Choose the default SIM slot to be used

Menu > Settings > Motion Sensor Settings:
- An incoming call can be put on silent mode by simply turning it upside down

Some previous discussions at my blog about dual-SIMs or devices that may provide some useful observations about examining dual-SIM devices:


Research on 'tilt' and 'three axis way' motion sensors:


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