Saturday, September 17, 2011

Arrhenius equation, preserving photos/videos for 100 years

Arrhenius equation, preserving photos/videos for 100 years

Arrhenius acceleration factor and accelerated temperature cycling can be applied to simulate the effects on data retention held within memory devices on their store media. We learn that to determine the relationship between the rate constant (or acceleration factor) and the activation energy and temperature of a reaction can be given by Arrhenius equation expressed as:


In order to assess preservation we are informed, during tests, data can be subjected to "temperatures and activation energies" to determine their retention qualities under the following conditions:

- Ea = Activation Energy = 1.0 ev
- Boltzmann Constant = 8.62*10-5
- Product application temperature used for this test (Ta) = 40ºC
- Product test temperature used for this test (Tt) = 125ºC
- Product's time-to-failure is exponential
- Arrhenius Acceleration Factor = 2721

It is said that using a conservative approach applied to values of "well-known" industry standard numbers for the calculation, and higher stress of 40ºC (typical archival storage temperature of 25°C +/- 10°C),  termperature cycle tests performed on n-DUTs (Device Under Test) and accelerated temperature of 125°C applied over x-hours can verify deterioration (thus preservation potential) of data occurs following tests. The output recorded can be simplified with the results entered in an Arrhenius table.

Now the question. Has 100 years has been proven possible? According to recent announcements it is said to be more than possible, devices can achieve this such as SanDisk Memory Vault™. Indeed devices like these are able to store photos and videos for 104 years, apparently.

I thought the information might be useful to discuss because I heard on BBC radio news that suggestions for firearms officers to wear video cameras to record an incident or operation had some difficulties about storage. The radio news made no further mention about the exact storage difficulties, but if the difficulties involve archive (for large-scale storage) and preservation, might the above information be of some help?

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