Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Forensic Student Conference

Forensic Student Conference

MTEB Pathfinder Course

Every student involved with and undertaking technology forensics studies or degrees wants to have some ideas for their thesis, about the various types of work in the field, market potential, employment possibilities and future trends. In reality all of the aforementioned separate entities, when understood as to their meaning, once brought together create one single evolved entity – YOU. This one-day student conference sets out various avenues for student exploration, observations and direction for student consideration. It is therefore a conference for the self-motivated, self-starter. The objective of the conference is to give students attending an edge in thinking about the avenues for developing future work and careers. Each Student attending will receive an MTEB Business Awareness Certificate; useful to add to the portfolio to demonstrate experience.


Presentation 1 - Introduction
You think you have a problem, and that is why you do.

Presentation 2 - Forensics in the Marketplace
Is forensics misunderstood?

Presentation 3 - Employment and the Marketplace
Guiding advice on employment from an employment specialist.

Presentation 4 - Smart Cards
What is happening and where are the real developments taking place?

Presentation 5 - Mobile / Smart Phones
Can anything really be done with them?

Presentation 6 - Smart Devices
So what skillsets do you apply?

Presentation 7 - Wireless Technologies
I never realised I had such a narrow view about this subject.

Presentation 8 - Cell Site Analysis
Narrow views mean limited opportunities.

Presentation 9 - Planning Communications for Business
Have an action-plan and not an action-problem.

Presentation 10 - Ideas to take back with YOU
Where do you see you and your skills in the marketplace?

Download Booking Form:


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