Tuesday, January 26, 2010

ACPO Managers Guide

ACPO Managers Guide
Good Practice and Advice Guide for Managers of e-Crime Investigations
I telephoned and spoke with a personable Stephen Clarke today of the Police Central e-crime Unit (PCeU). PCeU is the department apparently responsible for the proper and appropriate dissemination of factual information to Managers (Clients and Stakeholders) for the Police. I contacted Stephen as I was disappointed with the inaccuracy promoted in the Guide that information about my organisation was wrong and was known to be wrong long before the Guide was published in July 2009.
The information which I am referring to as inaccurate is on page 87 Appendix C details of Training Courses:
Some examples of product based training are:
PhoneBase – Trew MTE offer a range of continuous professional development certificate and accredited courses.
Industry and in the mobile telephone examination sections in the Police know that to be inaccurate for 2009 and comments I had back were they were surprised that statement was made as Phonebase training had ceased for a number of years.
Stephen Clarke, who is the person mentioned as being responsible for the Guide being in the market place (being named as its 'Author'), actually isn't the Author in the true sense of the word. In fairness to Stephen his job is to compile the parts to formulate one package for delivery. He was unaware about the errors in the Guide apparently because others behind the scenes who have their hand in preparing the data assemble the 'researched' material compiled and send it to him.
It becomes even more concerning when all the information promoted about the other people and companies is accurate; clearly any manager seeing my information will have noticed that the system attributed to me is not used anymore, there is no training for it now and hasn't been for some while. Was that deliberate by those who researched the material first before passing it to ACPO HQ?
You see this type of inaccuracy published like this gives the impression that ACPO doesn't know what it is doing or talking about inspite of the fact Quality and Accuracy checking are two components lauded as fundamentally underpinning ACPO Guidelines. The impact of that is:
- Firstly, ACPO Guidelines are quoted in our criminal courts of law informing the Judges and Jurors these are the standards the Police work too. That in itself is unfair to every officer or police staff who make reference to ACPO in their defence as why they followed certain procedures when the basis to the document is inaccurate;
- Secondly, managers are likely to make public sector spending decisions based upon this public sector document; those managers were not given the public sector opportunity to know whether they were paying too much for training and the skillsets in the training to bring value to the money they were paying.
- Thirdly, managers are still none the wiser as to the highly experienced training provided by TrewMTE and therefore the ACPO Managers Guide does not educate managers to the vital information they need to know in oder to take decisions.

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