Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mobile Telephone Case Law

Mobile Telephone Case Law
As you know for Judges, Lawyers, Practitioners, Experts, Law Enforcement and Students the webblog was set up for educational discussion points about mobile telephone forensics and evidence. Whilst visitors to this webblog liked the format and knowledge and experience being imparted, and want this to continue, due to the many posts I have put up since 2006 led to requests for having more discussion on these topics. To that end a discussion forum was set up relating to Mobile Forensics over at Jamie Morris' Forensic Focus Forum here:
Arising from the success of that we have now begun the extension of that fourm by introducing specialist sub-forums: the first sub-forum identifies case law that involves mobile telephone evidence to aid comprehension as to what principles are being argued at law regarding this subject matter; to learn about errors with evidence; to increase knowledge and act as an aid to improving skillsets.
Mobile Telephone Case Law
Below are a list of cases that have been posted to start this new specialist area sub-forum:
Mobile Phone Calls - Usage: Gun Crime Case
Call Records, Cell Site Analysis & Omagh Bombing
Civil Case about mobile phone functionality infringement
Movement, Collocation and Cell Site Analysis
Cell Site Analysis not available for Trial
Why wasn't Cell Site Analysis used?
I shall continue to add to the list of cases above.
Interception case
Conspiracy, mobile calls and text messages
Article: Courts wary of cellphone forensics
Thumbnail downloads, Mobile Phones and Google
US Cell Site Analysis cases
US Case: CSA, ESN/MIN and Cloning Equipment
Deleted data may not amount to possession
US Case: Electronic Wireless Vehicle Monitoring
US Case: Email interception defined
RIPA, Emails and Interception

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