Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Exploding Cell Phone Battery

Exploding Cell Phone Battery

A reminder for examiners to take care when examining mobile phones that require recharging the battery before examining the device. The horror story of a man's who had his neck artery burst by the exploding mobile phone in his breast pocket and died. Prior to putting it in his pocket the man had recharged the battery. Production line (bang it on, bang it out) mobile telephone examinations are potentially at high risk and a risk assessment procedure may need to be put in place to avoid loss of fingers or limbs or disfigurement. Insurance companies may need to be made aware of this potential high risk.
Last year Vinny Parmar produced a document (see link below) about counterfeit mobile telephones and it is by no means certain whether these devices are using batteries that may explode.
Moreover, some people are apt to placing their mobile telephone in more unusual places about their person. Whether the person is smuggling or something else the exploding battery provides a stark reminder that they may put their life at risk.
Thanks to Richard Putnam for sending to me the Telegraph newspaper online link.


UPDATE: A further Telegraph online article has been written regarding the above exploding battery. Apparently, this second news article suggests it was a bullet from a home made gun that had cause the accident. However both Telegraph online articles are not referenced to each other so it is only an assumption that they both may be referring to the same incident.

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