Sunday, November 05, 2006



I have been involved with forensics and technology evidence for 22 years (1986-2007), of which 20 years with wireless evidence, and of which 14 years dealing with Global System for Mobile (GSM) communications evidence. The extent to which I have dealt with cellular/wireless evidence relates originally to the analogue mobile telephone system in the UK called TACS (Total Access Communications System) trial runs 1983 and launched 1985. This wireless system was phased out of use in the 1990s, although the last TACS wireless licence expired in 2005.

The predominant evidence for TACS related to investigating stolen and cloning mobile telephones. It required examination of the handset and transmitted identity to the network; the examination of the printed circuit boards for modification components or circuitry used to hijack the use of a genuine user's identity; to reprogram stolen identity into a stolen mobile and jettison original identity. To examine usage of stolen TACS mobile'phones in relation to Phonebook and mobile calls. To conduct cell site analysis based on the use of Masts by the stolen mobile 'phones and Masts radio coverage area. The last bulk of TACS mobile 'phone cases ended between 1997/98. This was largely due to the introduction of GSM in 1992 and the four fully operational GSM networks by 1994.

My work with GSM assisted in the introduction into evidence of the early GSM radio maps, called digital cell footprint maps but categorised as Best Server Plots/Density Maps and Single Cell Prediction Plots/Density Maps. This work with GSM began in 1993 with mobile telephone and SIM card examination, and GSM cell site analysis. In 1999 I created the first GSM accredited mobile telephone courses in the UK delivered in 2001 and in 2003 set about creating the first 3G USIM courses in the UK, which began in November 2005. My main skillsets are conducting research and development, data acquisition and harvesting, examining evidence but also presenting evidence in criminal courts of law, thus combining specialist R&D & evidential experience skillsets necessary when dealing with criminal proceedings.

Recently gave evidence to the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee - Terrorism Detention Powers relevant to mobile telephone evidence.

Appeared on Panorama to discuss Cell Site Analysis with respect to the Omagh Bombing 1988.

Gave evidence to the Omagh Inquiry held by the Intelligence Services Commissioner.

More info on Trew MTE courses:

Currently Publications I produce:
Mobile Telephone Evidence (MTE) Newsletter
Mobile Telephone Surveillance (MTS) Newsletter
MTE Reports
Forensic Expert News (FEN)
Professional Communications Security Management (PCSM)

Past Publications
Professional Telephone Engineer and Installer
Telephone Times
Telephone News

Admissibility of Computer Evidence in Criminal Proceedings
Understanding the European Community Phase II Directive
Implications of a regulatory framework for telecoms terminal equipment
European Telecommunications Approvals Process
The EMC Implications for type approval for telecommunications terminal equipment
Basic Overview of the Mobile Phone Network
Cloning SIM Cards
Cloning Mobile Phones
Access Control of Networks
PSTN Interface Requirements for Terminal Equipment
Telephone Installation: Keep it simply and legal
Profiting from Private Payphone
Meeting NETs Needs
Computer Evidence in Criminal Proceedings
Security Management - the evolution of standards
The path to Data Encryption and Cryptography
Network Management - Virus and other potential threats to the integrity of the network
Putting Britain First - A blueprint for the future control of public switched telephone network (PSTN)

(These are just a few of authored material over the years and some of the documents above are still available today)

Project Work
USIM Detective (available from Quantaq Solutions The work involved assisting the manufacturer to include forensic features and evidential standards.
I also run the only approved Accredited training for USIM Detective This is a 3G training course.

Mobile Phone Forensics & Evidence training courses includes: introduction to mobile telephone examination, undersatnding the GSM/3G Standards, SIM/USIM examination, mobile phone examination, cell site analysis, interpretation of data.

Moderate the Mobile Forensics Forums at Forensic Focus:

Also run Mobile Telephone Case law:

Preparing and writing the Mobile Telephone Forensic and Evidence BSc/MSc/PhD Degrees to be made available through Universities.

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