Saturday, July 07, 2018

Update - HERREVAD Databases Geo Location Artefacts

Back in February 2017 I wrote an article relevant to "HERREVAD Databases Geo Location Artefacts" ( and I regularly conduct searches for any useful updates or supporting information that maybe of use.


I see SANS DFIR in May 2018 published "Advanced Smartphone Forensics Poster - SANS Forensics" a poster to identify "Most Relevance Evidence Per Gigabyte" and includes the database 'Herrevad' (


dmoreno1994's GeoAndroid .py script (
positions an android phone without GPS by utilising the Herrevad database. "Herrevad: This database contains the WiFi connections history of preinstalled Google apps in Android OS devices. It can be WIFI connections of Google Play, Google Maps, Youtube, etc..



Posted yesterday 06/07/2018 Hybrid Analysis Incident Response malware analysis website ( illustrated Receiver and Intent involving Herrevad.



An earlier version of Receiver and Intent is recorded in Joe Sandbox Cloud Analysis ( published 12 August 2017.


Herrevad has an interest to those on Security Stack Exchange wanting to understand how the database can reveal SSID/Cell ID geolocation info. "How do you get Geolocation information from the CellID field in the herrevad database from Google Mobile Services? (
